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St. Thomas Aquinas, Original Texts
St. Thomas Aquinas, Original Texts
- Corpus Thomisticum: S. Thomae de Aquino Opera Omnia All of St. Thomas Aquinas's works in their original Latin courtesy of the University of Navarre in Pamplona, Spain.
- Summa Theologica in English This is St. Thomas Aquinas's magnum opus. Most important for anyone interested in the natural law is the so-called "Treatise on Law" which is in the Prima Secundae Partis, Articles 90-108. The English translation is found in the New Advent website. General treatment of the essence of law is handled in Article 90, of the various kinds of law is handled in Article 91, of the effects of law, Article 92. Article 93 handles the eternal law. Article 94, the natural law. Human law is handled in Article 95, Article 96, and Article 97, treating of human law generally, its power, and its mutability, respectively. Articles 98 through 105 address the Mosaic Law. More specifically, Article 98 handles the old law geneally, with Article 99 addressing its precepts, Article 100 its moral precepts, Article 101 its ceremonial precepts, Article 102 the causes for the ceremonial precepts, and Article 103 their duration. Article 104 handles the Mosaic judicial precepts, and Article 105 the reason for those. The Law of the Gospel is hanlded in Article 106, and its comparison with the Mosaic Law is handled in Article 107. Article 108 handles the content of the New Law.
- Veritatis Splendor Latin for "The Splendor of Truth," Veritatis Splendor is an Encylical by John Paul II covering fundamental moral teachings of the Church. It is a touchstone for anyone interested in the natural moral law, regardless of one's religious confession.